I graduated from the University of Alberta’s BFA Acting program in 2016. Recent career highlights include playing Trinculo and Antonia in The Tempest, Romeo in Romeo & Juliet, and Maria in Twelfth Night (FreeWill Shakespeare Festival); Charlotte in Brontë (Studio Theatre); and Fanny in Mary of Shanty Bay (Theatre by the Bay).
Photo gallery credits can be found at the bottom of the page.
Photo Credits:
1 - 4: The Tempest, 2024. FreeWill Shakespeare Festival. Directed by David Horak. Set & Costumes: Stephanie Bahniuk. Photos by Marc J Chalifoux.
5 - 7: Romeo & Juliet, 2023. FreeWill Shakespeare Festival. Directed by David Horak. Set & Costumes: Stephanie Bahniuk. Lighting: Ken Matthews. Photos by Eric Kozakiewicz.
8 - 10: Twelfth Night, 2023. FreeWill Shakespeare Festival. Directed by Amanda Goldberg. Set & Costumes: Stephanie Bahniuk. Lighting: Ken Matthews. Photos by Brianne Jang (the BB Collective).
11 - 13: Brontë, 2022. Studio Theatre. Directed by Amanda Goldberg. Costumes: Rebecca Cypher. Set & Lighting: Robert Shannon. Photos by Brianne Jang (the BB Collective).
14 - 16: Mary of Shanty Bay, 2022. Theatre by the Bay. Directed by Rochelle Reynolds. Costumes: Madeline Ius. Set: Brenda Thompson. Lighting: Jonathan Killing. Photos by Khaleel Gandhi.
17 - 19: Queen Lear is Dead, 2019 & 2020. The Fox Den Collective. Directed by Valerie Planche. Photos 17 & 18 by Leif Norman; photo 19 by Emmanuel Osahor.
20: Justified Sinners, 2017. Imaginary Circumstances. Directed by Alexander Donovan. Production Design by Sarah Karpyshin. Photos by Kelsi Kalmer.
21 - 22: Copenhagen, 2017. Bleviss Laboratory Theatre. Directed by Alexander Donovan. Costumes: Sarah Karpyshin. Set: Rebecca Antonakis. Lighting: Liza Xenzova. Photos by Mat Simpson.
23: Changes of Heart, 2019. Bleviss Laboratory Theatre. Directed by Amy DeFelice. Costumes: Karlie Christie. Set: Anita Diaz. Lighting: Even Gilchrist. Photo by Mat Simpson.
24 - 25: The Alien Baby Play, 2018. Impossible Mongoose. Directed by Corben Kushneryk. Photos and production design by Corben Kushneryk.
26 - 28: Iphigenia at Aulis, 2015. Studio Theatre. Directed by David Kennedy. Costumes: Ksenia Broda-Milian. Set: Guido Tondino, Lights: Robert Shannon. Photos by Ed Ellis.
29: The Kaufman Kabaret, 2016. Studio Theatre. Directed by Kathleen Weiss. Set, Costume & Lighting: Hannah Matiachuk. Photo by Ed Ellis.
30: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2016. Directed by Marti Maraden. Set, Costume, & Lighting: Alison Yanota. Photo by Ed Ellis.